
Hola, Hi, Hej, Bonjour, Ciao.. There are so many ways to say "HI" to someone.. However, this blog is mainly a art gallery, more precisely a photo gallery, I've created to collect my photo. I'm not a photographer or an artist, or something like that; no no, I'm just a student who don't like so much study boring subjects (like many many other guy in the world (; ), who spend her free time taking photos. But, I like Art. Every way of Art existing on the Earth: drawing, painting, writing, photographing.. and if I could sing or play an instrument, also music. Uhm, now I'm writing too much, this is just a "Welcome message", I hope you'll enjoy the blog! With love, Sara :)

måndag 13 december 2010

Hot Chocolate!

Too chilly! I cannot walk in the city without stopping every 200 meters cause my legs get frozen! I'm not used to these temperatures; Lecce is so warm also during the winter, like more than 20 grades during the morning (waaa.. I prefer stay here with the cold!) ! However, every 200 meters I stop in a shop or in a Cafeteria, and here in Stockholm my favorite bar is absolutely "Mocco Café"! I think it have an italian origin, I don't know.. (for italians everything has a italian origin(: ). Anyway, I think the Mocco's Hot Chocolate with cream and marshmallow is the best in all Sweden! Loving Mocco..
Hot Chocolate with cream and cookie by Mocco ~ Stockholm

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I'm gonna be happy to read them! :D